PRESS TV – Iran’s Cinema Vérité to show documentary on Nelson Mandela
Directed by Carlos Agullo and Mandy Jacobson, the documentary titled Plot for Peace is a political thriller about Mandela who believed in individual action and decided to change things. Plot for Peace has won the Brizzolara Family Foundation Award for Films of Conflict and Resolution at the HIFF 2013. Mandela served as president of South Africa from 1994 ... Lire la suite
TRINITY FILM – Plot for Peace
Plot For Peace is a documentary thriller that tells the true, untold story behind Nelson Mandela’s release from prison featuring a protagonist straight out of a John LeCarre novel. His name: Jean-Yves Ollivier, alias “Monsieur Jacques”. To some, such as South Africa’s former President Thabo Mbeki, he was a mysterious French businessman and sanctions buster ... Lire la suite
LONDON EVENING STANDARD – The royal age of austerity
We’re all in this together. Princess Michael of Kent, who was at the Curzon Mayfair last night for a special screening of the Nelson Mandela documentary, Plot for Peace, has raised eyebrows after claiming she too is going through “very austere economic times”. ... Lire la suite